:: schedules & pretty things ::

[ scroll down for a close-up of the finished watercolor. ]
I have been slowly working a schedule out to direct my days a little better. I’m finding that since I’m not quite as tired as I have been previously, I can go most of the day before I need to just sit back and rest, but I’m finding that this “new-found” energy is leaving me in the lurch as to how to fill my days! Its not as if I lack projects, tasks or work to do, its just putting it all together into a schedule that works!
Talking with Mom (who I continually look up to for such practical advice; after running a household, minding kids for over 20 years, and homeschooling to boot, she knows of what she speaks!) about the issue sparked some ideas:
♥ Set aside one day to do the majority of your computer work (for me this is primarily Monday)
♥ Set up a daily schedule that you treat as if you were in an office. Use this time to do anything business related (includes writing listings, photography, blogging, product development, and creating)
♥ Streamline your design and production processes a little more (hard, since my muse can’t be confined to a box! lol)
♥ Spend one day a week doing just artwork
♥ Try to minimize doing personal projects and distractions while “working”, but realize that life does happen!
♥ Be sure to take time to rest and relax
Maybe its because I am so young and haven’t had this much lack of structure in m life before (hello, school and work! hehe), but I found it just a wee bit discomforting to have this much free time on my hands! This weekend I’m mapping out my time a little more definitely (analyzing how I spend my time, etc.) and hopefully next week I’ll be working around a new schedule. It always makes me so happy to have a little direction and solidity to my days! lol.
I think I must be going through one of my costume drama moods; I have powered through North and South and most of The Aristocrats in just a couple days (mostly listening, not so much watching; I’m usually knitting or working on new products and just have something playing in the background). Wives and Daughters is newly checked out from the library, and I’m thinking I need to rewatch Our Mutual Friend and Sense and Sensibility. For other historic, costume drama fans out there: what are some of your favorites?

I daresay all this movie watching has something to do with the fact that I’ve been doing some casual “research” of sorts. Ever since I received the Tasha Tudor auction catalog and the beautiful Fabric of Society book (and even before that!), I’ve been dying to get my hands on a costuming project. Newer readers may not know that I did costuming seriously for several years and had to drop it due to school and work. Seeing as both those things are on hold for at least a season, and that none of my old costumes fit, I think I need a new one. Though I was contemplating doing a late 1830s/early 1840s gown, I decided that doing something in an era I’ve already tried would probably be a wise idea for my foray back into costuming. I’m still solidifying dates, but I think right now I’m particularly drawn to the years between 1812-1820 (gowns from 1815-1817 in are particularly appealing). In anticipation of my new project, I ordered some cotton lawn yesterday. Now I’m committed!!
I’ll be making several garments: early 19th century corset, petticoat, and gown. More details will be forthcoming, but I won’t burden this blog with too many nitty-gritty bits; because essentially this blog is no longer a costuming blog. But I will be sure to share finished garment pictures and perhaps a few progress pictures (if anyone is interested?).

Has everyone been watching the progress of the Pay-It-Forward exchange going through blogland? I finally signed up this morning for one, and am happy to be able to post the little notice here! So without further ado:
“I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on here requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.”
Please note the comment must be left here; so I can contact you if you’re one of the lucky three! I can’t wait to do this; I’m already concocting up ideas of what to include in the packages. This is going to be fun!!
Now I'm off to brew myself a cup of herbal tea and spend the evening knitting. Have a lovely Saturday!!
Cheers & Creativity,
♥ Casey [ email me ]
p.s. The time is drawing near: I'm going to be permanently moving my postings to my new blog as of Monday! Please adjust your subscriptions and links accordingly! Thanks!
1 comment:
hi casey, i'm happy you like my blog!! it is so nice to hear that people enjoy reading it :) i just need your mailing address for pass it forward, you can send it to me at amyborrell[at]gmail[dot]com
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