:: inspiration [ week five ] ::
a day late... ooops!

♥ inspiration [ week five ] ♥
♥ beautiful pillow made from scraps
♥ pricing your crafts
♥ a great use for odd-shaped lace scraps!
♥ overcoming creativity-block
♥ make your own bubble mailers!
♥ wonderfully decadent garments & accessories
♥ sewn button loops tutorial
My first two classes of the semester have been so inspiring and yet so overwhelming! The first was printmaking on Wednesday, and I’m so excited about it! Just the variety of effects and styles you can explore with printing is what is appealing to me. We need to have a study/sketch by next week to transfer onto a zinc plate, so I’m wracking my brain to come up with some (brilliant?!) idea. I’m thinking of possibly doing a study of an antique corset in my collection; if nothing else the lines and seams lend themselves very well to some interesting design.
The class I’m honestly the most overwhelmed and yet bouncing off the walls about is my photography 101 class! The teacher is really awesome; he’s a professional photographer and is basically telling us to just get the technical aspects of photography down and the artistry will follow. My kind of learning! The class is entirely film photography and only black and white. Oooh--I’m quite eager to work with the black and white film techniques since I love photography that is devoid of color; it almost forces the viewer to pay more attention to emotion, value and structure. I have lots of ideas floating through my head of subject matter to focus on shooting throughout the semester; I think I’m going to try and focus mostly on the concept of decay and death (mostly through artifacts and buildings). This should be fun since Autumn is right around the corner!
I just ordered this book that caught my eye on the Not Martha blog. It seems like just the thing since I’ve opened the shoppe and am in dire need of pointers on how to run a successful craft-based business in the modern marketplace (a.k.a. the internet). Hopefully it’ll get here before I fly out to California and keep me company on the long flight! I promise a review after I finish it; I’m a bit of an amateur expert on craft business books; I’ve read just about every one I can get my hands on since I was 10. lol.
cheers & creativity,
♥ casey [ email me ]
p.s. I’m off for a very, very short weekend with the boy, so I will return around Tuesday with new posts! Have a lovely weekend, all!
1 comment:
i just wanted to let you know that threadless is having a sale, since you mentioned that you were a fan. 10 bucks for a tee, how amazing is that?
and if you'd be so inclined to use my referral link, it would be just 100% awesome. :D
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