:: inherited images ::

Shortly after my mom’s father passed away several years ago, we were cleaning out the basement of my grandparent’s house as we were helping move my grandmother out. As we went through the piles of papers and boxes of who-knows-what, we stumbled across Pop’s photography equipment. Although my mom had told me over the years that he had been interested in photography at had bought several cameras, I had never really thought much of it because that was before my time. We brought the box home and I had never taken the time to investigate it until recently when I was researching purchasing a Holga.

So I rescued the heavy box from the confines of the basement and started to dig through it. I found three cameras: one small camera, one huge, professional-quality one (I’ve dubbed it the “Monster”; it must weigh about 15lbs!), and another, older camera that looks like it was unfortunately damaged by a fire they had in their house at one point. Both the cameras that are in good condition are of Japanese manufacture, and the Monster has a ton of accessories: filters, a zoom lens, tripod (which I’ve used a lot with my digital--whatever works, right?), a Polaroid film adapter... Its kind of mind-boggling. Thankfully the user-guide is still with it and makes it a little less scary to approach. So all I’ve got to do is buy some film and start shooting.
I’m really looking forward to playing with my new toys. I feel like I’m finding a shared interest with Pop and connecting with him, even though he’s no longer here. I can’t help but think that I inherited my sense of artistic aesthetic and love of photography from him. So thanks Pop...
reading::a biography of victoria::
listening::the essential simon and garfunkel::
inspiration::some girls wander::
hey casey,
I was surfing the net when i came across your blog ( was hoping to find some inspiration to revamp this white cardigan of mine). I am very impressed with the white trapeze top you made! It's simple and nice... very much like something i'll wear... Care sharing how you made it? Would love to know...
siew lee (sl_shu@hotmail.com)
p/s- any foolproof ideas on how i can make a simple button top cardigan more exciting?
lovely post, a great story. i hope you find inspiration in that box of family treasures
Oh, you'll have fun with these. My husband has a collection of vintage and antique cameras that he uses regularly. I had no idea that so many different types of cameras could fill so many different photo needs! Enjoy them all.
As a black & white (film only) photographer, I can tell you that you have found yourself some gems. Not only are they priceless from the sentimental value, but as digital grasps the world, these 'tanks' will be seen less & less. I love the vintage cameras that I have (and still use). I've been lucky enough to inherit my Grandfather's camera...the man who gave me MY first film camera ever! Load up that film and shoot away!!
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