a valentine a day...
... makes the heart grow fonder?
I went through and counted my vintage valentines this morning, getting ready to photograph them all to share with you and I hit upon an idea! I decided to post one vintage valentine image every day until Valentine’s Day. It would be a challenge to keep me posting every day, and I think it would be a cute way to celebrate the holiday. Though I admit, Valentine’s Day isn’t a huge deal for me... I just like all the chocolate and vintage valentines that go with it. lol. Without further ado:

Very Sweet!!
Yea! I'm so looking forward to this little posting project - I LOVE vintage Valentines. Can't wait to see your collections.
This one is so cute!
And chocolate is the best part- by far.
Oh, I am so glad I found my little way here through Emily's Black Apple. I totally agree with you. I don't much care about Valentine's Day or what I even do or receive on Valentine's day. I just love sharing vintage Valentine's and making Heart/Jam shortbread for girlfriends and eating lovely chocolates. I love going into simple pharmacies and seeing hearts hanging everywhere. I love hearts any time of the year, and it doesn't have to be Valentine's day. That said, I will be back to enjoy your Valentine's. Smiles!!
Thank you everyone for the comments!! I'm so glad you all like the idea of valentine-a-day... I'm afraid I'm having too much fun doing it. ;)
And now, I must go hunt up some chocolate!! lol.
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