mail makes me happy ♥

A wee mid-week update just to let you all know I’m still alive, thinking of you all, reading blogs and trying to stay caught up with everything! This week has been an absolute whirlwind, lots of assignments due, my first test of the semester, etc., etc., etc. I also managed to completely disrupt my bedroom yesterday afternoon. I moved all the furniture on a lark, completely removing my lovely antique, but gigantic, dresser. I’m in the midst of reorganizing everything so that I can actually sew up here and not have to drag all my stuff down to the kitchen. Its still very much needing to be organized (and I’ve got to get storage for all those suddenly displaced clothes!), but I now have a workstation for my sewing/crafting and a seperate desk for my computer. Yay! Pictures will be posted once I feel that its presentable to the public. lol.

This week has been an amazing mail week--I got two packages! *is shocked* I think the only thing that could complete the week for me mail-wise is if I got an Anthropologie catalog. lol. I treasure those like expensive magazines--I have about two year’s worth stashed away. Anyway, I got my order from the sweet Emily at Inside and Black Apple. When she updated her shop last week I just happened to be home at the time, and despite the computer deciding to be really s-l-o-w that day, I snagged a set of her super-cute astronaut valentines. Polka dots! Emily’s artwork! Could anything be better? I think I shall have to be really selfish and keep one for myself to frame, 'cause her art is just so cute.

The other piece of mail was an exciting package from Mary over at Contrary! She put up an offer last week to send a homemade envelope to the first person who commented on her blog entry. Though I felt a little guilty about being the first person to comment, I did “win” the envelope. Instead of just the one (gorgeous) handmade envelope, she sent me three! Including one that is covered with multicolored ladybirds--perfect for me, don’t you think? ;) Thank you so much, Mary!! ♥
I shall be updating later this week with some fun goodies: photos of those vintage valentines, among other things. Have a lovely week, everyone!
i like that you save the anthro catalogs. i can never keep them for long because i'm always ripping them apart for collage!
Hehe. I'm a bit of an "image packrat". I just can't bear to throw away or destroy any images/prints/scraps that inspire me! lol. That's why I have small piles of paper all about... *rolls eyes*
Aw I'm so glad you got them and like them!!! Hehe I just loved reading your blog today and seeing those pics...!
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