moods = creativity

Have you ever noticed how certain cds or soundtracks can mimic your life at a given point? For awhile it was angry, hard music like 30 Seconds to Mars that reflected the emotional turmoil inside me. That has passed (thankfully!) and now I’m delving into more mellow, happy music. I broke down and bought the Marie Antoinette soundtrack yesterday and have been listening to it continually since (okay, so mostly disc one...). Its funky, flirty, contemplative... winter-like; much how I feel at the start of this new year.
Speaking of new years... A new year: a new user picture! Today was the first day it was actually sunny enough and I had time to take some self-portraits. I haven't done a short series of photographs since the summer, and I felt I needed to update the pictures of me online since my hair is different now. lol. I love my new camera!!!

Yesterday I wandered into JoAnn’s (the store I hate, but can’t stop going to because its the only nearby option!) to find that their by-the-yard felt was on sale. So I stocked up on a few colors, including black so I can finally finish that ladybird bag! yay! I’m lining it with a black and white cotton polka-dot I picked up early last year. It just seemed right for a bag I was planning on keeping for myself. (Pictures hopefully this weekend!) On the topic of bags, I’m slowly working on one of Philo’s really cute knit bags! I say slowly as I started off with a bang over the weekend/holiday and then slowed to a halt as my week picked up with stuff to do, places to go, people to see! lol. It’s an amazingly fast knit though, and I’m just about to the point I could bind off for a smaller bag. But no, being the perpetual dreamer I am, I want to make it more tote bag sized (since those are darn handy with school supply-toting and stuff!).
I also have been playing with new card ideas. Thankfully, they aren’t as labor intensive as my Christmas cards! lol! I was just playing with the idea of paper shape chains and whipped out some old papers from my stash and did a series of hearts. Thus these were born:

I think they’d be cute using old dictionary pages as well. Or better yet finding some old, pre-1960s, sappy romance novel and using that! How cool and appropriate would that be??
I recently remembered another New Year resolution that I really want to live up to this year: keeping a visual paper journal of my ideas, inspirations and thoughts. I’ve never been much of a traditional, word-oriented journaler, and my previous attempts at this have been half-hearted at best. So I’ve pulled out one of my old, half-filled blank notebooks and have begun collecting up images, scraps and such to paste inside. My goal is to spend time working on it at least once a week for the entirety of 2007. Maybe if I make posting images of the pages a “rule”, I’ll be motivated to actually see it through... *wink*
the cards look great! clever little idea.
Wow, great blog. Can't wait to read more.
First time visiting your blog + wanted to say how much I love your heart card! Very sweet.
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