the end

I was at a party the other evening, exclaiming to one of my friends how hard it was to believe that 2006 is nearly over. My goodness, this year certainly went really quickly, to the point where I feel I couldn’t sit and savour some of the moments I wanted to. But, how does the French saying go? C’est la vie? That kind of sums up 2006 for me. I lived up to my “big” resolutions for this year: exercise more often (check) and get out and meet new people, do new things and put myself outside of my comfort zone (triple check). For 2007, I want to:
+ keep working toward a healthy lifestyle
+ live life to its fullest. don’t plan. don’t second-guess. just go.
+ work towards opening a small online shop to market a few of my handcrafts
+ write a blog post at least twice a week!
Sound reasonable? lol. What are your New Year hopes and dreams? I’m feeling very hopeful about ‘07 right now; much more so than I have about any other year. It just seems like life is finally opening up to me a bit more. Maybe because I’ve changed as a person inside; I no longer feel like the unsure teenager I was at the beginning of 2006. I’ve done things, gone places and experienced feelings that I didn’t know previously this year. The number of new people I’ve met, whether in real life or online, has been amazing! I feel so incrediably blessed by all my online friendships that have taken root this year; the creative personalities, generousity and kindess of the crafty blogworld is just so amazing. You guys are all so awesome! :)
I was planning on going to a concert tonight with several friends, but that would have been the third late night out, and I just wasn't going to make it! lol. So, I'm staying at home, tucked cozily away with my current knitting project, curled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and tune into the SciFi channel’s Twilight Zone marathon. Can’t beat 1960s kitsch for heralding the New Year!

Oh, and just as a reminder: the Kim Family Benefit Auction starts up January 3 (Wedndesday!!), so be sure to keep your eyes open for the debut of all the gorgeous items that have been donated to be auctioned for this fundraiser.
Hope you all have a lovely New Years!! :)
Happy New Year and may your promises, new year's resolutions, bring you joy!
Wishing you all good things for '07!
Thank you both!! :)
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